Born: Wendy Sue Harford (after Wendy in Peter Pan) on All Hallows Eve 1951, in Pomona, California USA. Wendy left home at the ripe old age of 15 and traveled a circuit of foster homes, managing to endure High School through to graduation thanks to the support from her Fine Arts Instructors. Following: the migration trail of the wounded hippy she found herself barefoot and pregnant in Vancouver, BC, Canada, giving birth to a healthy baby boy in 1971. For the next 20 years (not totally boring) Wendy used her abundant creative energy in the field of Human Resources from pre-school to extended care and much in between, filling in at the local greasy spoon or gas station as life required. Of course she was busy juggling school and the usual family issues throughout, but very little art!
All Hallows Eve 1989: found Wendy packing up and leaving the family hobby farm in the interior of BC, her career in Human Resources and her grown family,to return to the Sunshine Coast of BC solo where she has been dabbling in the arts every since. Frustrated by limited funds, lack of technique and knowledge of current mediums, Wendy attended workshops with Canadian Artists: Ed Hill - acrylic technique, Ed had learned from West Coast Aboriginal Artist Roy Henry Vickers. Lyall Nanson - watercolor technique. George Gamache & Micheline La Rose - papier mache sculpting. Attending life drawing sessions at the Sunshine Coast Art Center, and packing a sketch book, journal and guitar on her further travels brought new and constant inspiration into Wendy's new life. images ©copyright Wendy Harford 2556