My work is a reflection of my vision. I'm concerned with the spiritual energy of animals and people, and how that energy effects change in the viewers of the art. I'm also marginally interested in how that
energy interacts with their furnishings. I started my art education as a child. My grandmother was an artist and saw to it that I knew my way around
a studio at a very young age. I continued my art education in college, studying photography, design, art history and exposing myself to as much art as possible.
Although I continued my art education, I spent the next several years as a songwriter/performer. In the fall of 2000 I returned to painting and found that I actually had something to say and the tools to say it. Three months after I started painting I was accepted in my first gallery. Shortly, my work was represented in galleries and private collections from New York to Dallas. In the fall of 2001 I decided to take more
responsibility for my art career by opening my own online gallery and participating in other online galleries. images ©copyright Pat O Bryan 2112