Elizabeth Holian

Painting - surrealist   shuffle


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Elizabeth Holian is tipped to become one of the country’s leading surrealist painters""

(Kerry O’ Brien 7.30 Report ABC National Television)

""Elizabeth Holian is about to turn the art world upside down""

(Frances Whiting The Sunday Mail)

""Elizabeth Holian’s paintings reveal a fertile mind combined with remarkable technical skill""

(Dr. Desmond Morris, Oxford UK, Author of The Naked Ape and contemporary of Miro)."

Elizabeth Holian was born in Brisbane Australia. The child of an artist, some of her earliest memories include sitting at her mother’s feet watching her paint creatures from Norse Mythology. "Our little flat always smelled of turpentine and oil paint. I fell in love with Salvador Dali at the age of 6 when I saw his painting "Santiago el Grande". At the age of 8, my Mother handed me brushes and oil paint and said "Paint !". I did and I never stopped. Painting is my consuming passion, I live it , I breath it and I dream it."

In 1998 Elizabeth was selected from artists all around the world, to hold a solo exhibition in the heart of Paris to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of her mentor the great Artist Salvador Dali. Her works were displayed with Dali’s original works and sculptures. Elizabeth sustained a serious injury to her painting arm a few years ago, and is only now able to resume her work. Until recently, the last painting she had put on exhibition publicly was in 2003, it was unveiled by actor Geoffrey Rush at the Queensland Arts Council gallery. She received an Australia day award in 1999 for achievements in the arts. Her many exhibitions include Paris and Broadway, New York City. She has been an entrant in the Archibald Prize and the Moran prize over the years.The ABC did two stories on her work, as did Channel 9, and many arts publications. Recent professional valuation by expert valuers give a value of $4,000 to $5,000 for small works (Galloway Art Valuations).
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