My name is John baselmans Born in the Netherlands in a village named Waalre.I’m born : may 20th 1954 Since 1982 I live on a small islan Curacao,
Netherlands Antilles.I am a freelance Graphic Designer / Illustrator who attended the "Graphic School" and "The Free Academy" in the Netherlands.Afterwards I attended several drawing courses such as Airbrush and Architectural Rendering in the U.S.A.
My drawings are unique and have been well received around the world.
In my 30-year career I have created thousands of drawings and illustrations. I have designed more than 140 stamps for the Post Office of the Netherlands Antilles. I have presented my artwork in more than 50 exhibitions.I have one goal in my life: "Make a better world with art" images ©copyright John Baselmans 2353