The black and white pictures are produced using either pencil, biro, or
both.The more experimental untitled drawings are more expressive in that
they're more spontanious,just following a line and seeing where it goes.I
think this is where the spirit of true art lies,just letting the picture evolve naturally.Seeing where you can take it rather than heading towards an
end. At the moment I'm concentrating on my music posters,its a good way to learn I think,it helps my surrealist art on a technical level because it
involves drawing realistically,a combination of the real and the abstract.I've recently had my first poster printed up on a larger scale than one at a time(!) The Led Zeppelin peice is being printed as a run of 500, to be followed by the U2;I'm just starting to get somewhere with my art; I've just got to ensure it continues!
Steve Harradine. I started producing my own posters in 1997 after leaving the Cleveland college of art and design in Middlesbrough.At the moment I'm doing a series of black and white images in biro and pencil but intend to go into full colour in the near future. Major influences on my work include Klimt,Mucha,Dali,Beardsley,Victor Moscoso,Martin Sharp,Indian art,Surrealism,Art Nouveau and pop art.I am currently producing work for Canadian poster artist Bob Masse - the first of which, being the U2 peice.I've been selling the pictures as limited edition lazer copies but the Led Zeppelin poster,and subsequent works,are to be printed as full size editions (25 ins x 17 ins). images ©copyright Steven Harradine 3565