I make original paintings in the traditional way, with paints and paper or
canvas. I make prints, cards and posters from these original paintings. All
of the art that I produce begins with and original painting, never a photo.
When I scan the paintings, I scan at very high resolution in order to produce
high quality cards, prints and posters.
James Witherspoon. I am a forty-eight year old self taught artist/writer. I enjoy creating paintings in the traditional way using the usual materials, oils, acrylics and watercolors. I put the paintings on canvas or paper and then I scan the image into the computer and thats when the real fun begins. The computer offers me an unlimitless number of possiblities to expand the original piece of art. When viewed on a screen, the art can do almost anything. I think when more people in the art world realizes the huge potential of 'computer art' the days of walking into a gallery and standing in front of a painting that isn't doing something are numbered. images ©copyright James Witherspoon 2299