"Influenced by the artworks of the Surrealists, Pre Raphaelites and the frescos of Giotto and Fra Angelico, I explore the Northwest coast of Canada with a colourful palette: a personal vision which depicts the warmth of Mediterranean hues augmented with Pacific coast skies; an intriguing use of objects, people and colours combine to present the viewer artwork that is provocative yet sensitive, challenging to both the mind and eye. Other influences include Blake, Man Ray and the writings of Rimbaud and Kafka. I interpret the inner visions of mythological landscapes; of society of ritual and magic. All paintings are executed in acrylics on canvas. I have had extensive experience in graphics and am now applying my creativity on the computer.
"I was raised and educated in Vancouver British Columbia Canada. I
graduated from the Vancouver School of Art after a four year diploma course. My major was design, receiving an advanced diploma in design. A liberal course, studies included a strong graphic arts program which included painting. After graduation, I had my first solo show in Vancouver at the Frazee Gallery in 1971. Since them I have exhibited mainly in Canada with my work in many private collections. Exhibits include the Art 97 Vancouver International Art Exhibition. I was represented by the Sui Generis Gallery. The director of the gallery was Linel Rebenchuk who also helped organize the international art exhibit. I was a painter in acrylics for many years and only recently devoted more time to the computer. My graphics background is a perfect venue for this new medium. I am taking the same themes and applying them to this format.No matter what the application I use, as Rimbaud once said 'One must be a Seer, make onself a Seer'" images ©copyright Dennis Willie 2726