Dan McCormack studied photography with Aaron Siskind at the Institute of Design and then he earned an MFA in Photography at the Art Institute of Chicago. He heads the photography program at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York where he teaches classes in photography and Introduction to Digital Media. Mr. McCormack received a CAPS Fellowship in photography and a Bronze medal in the “Art on the Internet 1999” Toyko, for his web site “BODYSCAN.”
I have photographed the nude for over thirty years having begun with Wendy, my wife. First outdoors in the landscape, then in the studio as it got too cold and I have continued that pattern in recent years. I came to pinhole photography from my involvement with palladium printing of sequential 2 ¼” negatives. The oatmeal pinhole camera makes
8x10 inch negatives with extreme wide angle and distortion because of the round camera. The pinhole camera is a delight because it gives me results that are constantly a surprise. I develop the B&W negatives, scan them into Photoshop, and then colorize the image by pulling curves in each of the channels. I enjoy being able to make an image rooted in 16th Century pinhole optics, and then juxtapositing that with 21st Century digital print manipulations. The final image is a perfect blend of these opposites. In my diverse series, I have always tried to find a mix of image and process. images ©copyright Dan Mccormack 2696