I was born in the early fifties beyond that there s really not much to say I studied Graphic Design for four years at Watford School of Art then earned a living as a graphic designer enabling me to pursue my artistic career independent of other considerations br My aim has always been to produce art which transcends reason explanation or the need for justification With this in mind I set out to produce work that wouldn t require any knowledge of the culture or history of society or art and could be equally accessible to everyone Initially I used mathematics geometry logic and systems as a way of producing images free of any personal baggage My intention was to produce images which can t be ignored Art for the eyes to act as a catalyst for the brain a kind of non chemical stimulant Compositions of colour and form which draw the mind in and compel it to make sense of what it sees Inevitably representational possibilities occur as the work develops Meditative objects are an open invitation to projection they become mirrors to the mind The underlying principle of Zen everything is nothing Geometry is a universal language part of the collective unconscious There is an emotional aspect to mathematics and logic as well as a rationale behind emotions Exploring the balance between the two was the starting point for the Fluid Geometry series Since then I ve followed the inherent projective possibilities as my later work has developed in theme specific directions Overcurrent is a series of Digital Urban Landscapes that reflect a view of society as seen from the banks of the Thames It alludes to the opinions and emotions not visible at the surface an inverted undertow which controls and oversees our comprehension of everyday life The Polymorphous series is an experiment exploring the range of possibilities available by combining the simplest of elements The tonal images created by superimposing successive circles and lines expressed as radial and linear gradients develop in complexity in a way that resembles the growth of natural forms There has been no attempt made to create anything representational the images just evolve that way as the process progresses images ©copyright Chris Klein 3383