Carlos Junqueira Ferreira De Carvalho

Painting - watercolours and coloured pencil   shuffle


banho de mulheres recortado

beladona 28x38

beladona detalhe

beladona me 28x38

mother and child 24x33

muse in a renaissance landscape 28x385

muse in shower 24x33

naked muse 22x30

o sonho do marinheiro 38x40

sailing beladona 24x32

study of a muse 1 135x195

study of a muse 2 14x195

top model 28x38



untitled3 44x325

Carlos Junqueira 50 years old fine artist living and working in Sao Paulo Brasil I am a self taught artist who has loved to draw and paint since 1986 I developed a lot of paintings of Dom Quixotes musicians devoted women and other personages Participated in many exhibitions in Brazil won the Little Silver Medal of Franca Fine Arts Exhibition 1991 Honourable mentions in the Fine Arts Exhibitions of Po os de Caldas 1991 and Araraquara 1992 Paleta Internacional Award in the Exhibition Brasil Marrocos 1987 and Gaivota Award in the First Exhibition SP RS ABAC 1987 br Nowadays I have been making a lot of nudes which I called beladonas muses and divas The paintings shown here were completed in watercolor and show these women images ©copyright Carlos Junqueira Ferreira De Carvalho 3042