It was only in later life that I began to appreciate the work of artist like Dali & Picasso. I actually believe that most of
my influence come for music such as David Bowie & Pink Floyd , I don’t have a formula I just start to work and when
I’m reasonably happy with it I stop. What you some times get is a very honest view of the soul.
"I was born in 1958 into a working class family of seven. My father was a former coal mineworker, my Mother also work most of her life. I left school at sixteen with no qualifications and joined the royal navy. I was in the navy for five years some of that time was spent on Polaris submarines, which at the time were part of the nuclear deterrent. On leaving the navy I met my wife and subsequently had two children. It was after leaving the Navy that I first began painting. Art is not something you do in our area unless you do nice picture postcards, so for many years no one saw my work
although I did try some local galleries but they only seemed interested in wallpaper. However, I have always believed
that my work has something to say and I still believe that to this day, but you the audience must be the judge of that." images ©copyright Barrie Jones 2974