The work I'm exhibiting belongs to my latest years of painting with the Pastel medium, and shows some results of a profound search of my inner marks, regarding living experiences that became the matter of thoughts and dreams, being expressed through symbols and compositions that seem to get existence by the gestual performance of the subconsciousness in the painting act.
Luis Athouguia Born in Cascais, Portugal in 1953.“In the intimacy of his work... the minimum gesture reflects a personal religion or healthy skepticism and a fragile equilibrium in the stroke that defines the frisson of his own vertiginous life,and is an eternal rebirth to the daily exercise of meditation, as in gestured Zen... evoking, in the symbolism of his wise strokes, the memory of the gothic mirages of Manuelism in search of
those spiritual Indias where, in vortexes of light, is sighted the
hope of a redemption...” images ©copyright Luis Athouguia 2022